∞ Super Mario Run Will Be Priced At $9.99
From Business Wire:
The first-ever mobile game featuring the most iconic video game hero of all time goes on sale for iPhone and iPad on Dec. 15 in United States time zones. Super Mario Run can be downloaded from the App Store at no cost, and players can try elements of the game’s three modes for free. Once the game has been downloaded, a one-time payment of $9.99 (United States price) will grant unlimited access to each of the three modes in this release.
I'm slightly disappointed that it's not $19.99 or even $14.99.
PhotoScan by Google Photos
Fantastic app from Google Photos allows you to scan photos easily with your phone.
∞ Nintendo Switch Rumored to Start From £200
Laura Dale reporting that UK retailer GAME will price Nintendo Switch from £199.99:
Today’s report, backed up by one previously used source and one new source who I have vetted thoroughly, is that UK specialist gaming retail chain GAME has been informed of the Nintendo Switch’s wholesale price to retailers, and is planning on selling their basic SKU (stock keeping unit) of the system in stores for £199.99. It is important to note this is not a Nintendo set RRP (recommended retail price), as Nintendo do not set UK RRP prices for consoles. However, it is safe to assume this gives us a solid indication of the price the system will sell at nationwide.
If this is true, game developers will be busy.
∞ Visual Studio for Mac
2016-11-14 update: this is claimed as an accidental post and was removed.
I was very excited when reading this:
At its heart, Visual Studio for Mac is a macOS counterpart of the Windows version of Visual Studio. If you enjoy the Visual Studio development experience, but need or want to use macOS, you should feel right at home. Its UX is inspired by Visual Studio, yet designed to look and feel like a native citizen of macOS.
But then realized that it actually has nothing to do with Visual Studio:
Like Xamarin Studio, Visual Studio for Mac is based on the open source MonoDevelop IDE, which is actively developed by Microsoft.
It's basically MonoDevelop given the Visual Studio brand. How dare you claim it feels like a native citizen of macOS? How dare you?
Fox Squirrel Running and Barking
Near the horseshoe lake at Denali national park.
Love Pixar's Piper short. You can now watch it on Vimeo.
Update on 2016-11-11: the video was taken down, I don't know why.
∞ iTunes Affiliate Now Supports Android Tracking for Apple Music
We are excited to announce that affiliate tracking for Apple Music is now working on Android. This means content for Apple Music is now commissionable and will track on all Android supported devices and also pay at the same rates as tracking on iOS.
It's not quite clear what this is for. If you read the instructions on how to use it, it's for affiliate tracking of traffic to the Apple Music Android app.
Two Moose Eating Tree Leaves
On a shuttle bus at Denali National Park.
Nintendo Switch
Nintendo introducing their new console coming March 2017. Their pitch video to consumers is perfect. Hope they can pitch it to the game developers too.
Soylent Halting Bar Sales and Issuing Refunds
I almost missed this email from Soylent, thought was promotional:
It has recently come to our attention that a small number of our customers have experienced gastrointestinal issues after consuming Soylent Bars. As a precautionary measure, we are halting all Soylent Bar purchases and shipments and are advising our customers to discard any remaining bars in their possession.
We take these complaints extremely seriously as we have no greater priority than the quality and safety of our products. After hearing from our customers, we immediately began investigating the cause of the issue and whether it was linked to a problem with the Bars. So far we have not yet identified one and this issue does not appear to affect our other drinks and powder.
Though our investigation into this matter continues, we have decided to err on the side of caution and take this preventative step.
As a customer who has purchased Soylent bar in the past, you may submit a refund request here.
You place an enormous amount of trust in us each and every time you place an order. We in turn owe it to you to prioritize your health and well-being above all else. Until we are absolutely certain our products are safe, they will not be shipped.
We are deeply sorry if you or any other customer had any negative experiences after eating a Soylent Bar.
As you know, transparency has always been a core value at Soylent. Now is no different. We look forward to sharing further insights into this issue as our review progresses and we learn more. If you have any questions, comments, or have had your own negative experience, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@soylent.com.
We thank you for your understanding and support.
I ordered 24 bars weeks ago, luckily only two or three bars have been eaten.