24 Posts under Mango Umbrella

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Bye, Web Console

Published under Mango Umbrella, Jan 17, 2020

The mac catalyst app, dA Umbrella, has fully replaced my previous web console written in reacjs.

It’s the admin console behind mangoumbrella.com. It's a simple CMS, and a blog editor with markdown support.

What a satisfying change:

20 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 31123 deletions(-)
Screenshot of dA Umbrella

Screenshot of dA Umbrell

Published under Mango Umbrella, Jan 14, 2020

On January 1st, I made a goal to support editing and publishing blog posts in DA Umbrella by end of this month. But as mentioned in my previous post, the goal has already been achieved today, way ahead of my estimation.

Thinking about what went wrong right, it's SwiftUI. It makes UI composition, and more importantly, re-composition, much easier. Now that I realized its power, I simply could not imagine going back to pure AppKit/UIKit. (Cough.)

First Blogpost From dA Umbrella

Published under Mango Umbrella, Jan 13, 2020

Another milestone of DA Umbrella: this post is now written, edited, and published in the Mac Catalyst app. It uses a custom built markdown editor and parser.

It still lacks other markdown features according to the spec, and a lot more work needs to be done to make the UX great. However, this milestone means I can now start writing and publishing my blog in a Mac app. So exciting.

Here is a demo of supported syntaxes for my own tracking purpose:

Header 1

Header 2

Paragraphs with inline bold, italic, deletion, links, code, images, with markdown syntax highlighting:

Screenshot of dA Umbrella
Code blocks

Blockquote, with inline bold, italic, deletion, etc…

  • Unordered list
  • Another item
  1. Ordered list
  2. Another item

Published under Mango Umbrella, Dec 30, 2019

The Catalyst version of DA Umbrella just reached its first tiny milestone: all my project tasks now live in the app.

Screenshot of DA CamCal

Screenshot showing a simple list of tasks for [DA CamCal](/camcal

Published under Mango Umbrella, Dec 28, 2019

Language breakdown of all my personal projects as of 2019-12-27:

  1. 66.9% C#
  2. 17.8% JavaScript
  3. 4.3% ShaderLab
  4. 3.2% Objective-C
  5. 3.0% Swift
  6. 1.6% Go

My ambitious 2020 goal: Swift goes to #1.

P.S. SwiftUI ain't gonna help much with this goal 😂

A Pivot Point of dA Umbrella

Published under Mango Umbrella, Dec 22, 2019

The current admin console part of DA Umbrella is a web app built with reactjs. While it works fine when I am on my Mac, I find more often when I want an iOS to do a quick task. More importantly, those quick tasks would be much easier if the app supports share extensions or Shortcuts.

I finally took the action to start the new project in Xcode. Here is a screenshot of the hello world version:

Screenshot of dA Umbrella

Published under Mango Umbrella, Sep 23, 2019


Created a baseline typography guide for all things dA. It only uses one font, Inter. The guide will evolve over time, but I do hope to use Inter for everything across all platforms for a long time.

Adopting Inter

Published under Mango Umbrella, Sep 20, 2019

After I noticed @rsms's Inter font from this tweet, I immediately tried it out on my website. The result is better than what I had (Lato + Alegreya). Now everything on mangoumbrella.com uses Inter.

I plan to do incremental changes to my website towards a better design. Adopting a great font is a significant step.

Published under Mango Umbrella, Dec 22, 2017

DoleeArts is now on Micro.blog, follow me here!

Update on 2022-06-06: DoleeArts is Mango Umbrella. Follow https://micro.blog/mangoumbrella on Microblog instead.

Published under Mango Umbrella, Nov 6, 2017

Umbrella now supports micro posts! This is the first of this kind.

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