My Story with Mailbox

Published under Mango Paper, Feb 5, 2015

Dropbox is promoting Mailbox, so I thought, why not give it a try. At least I could earn the extra 1GB.

I downloaded and opened the app, first step was to sign in with Dropbox (to get the 1GB space). After tapping the Sign in button, I got a nice little notification from Dropbox saying my space was increased 1GB. Good news!

Then, however, this happened:


Tried again, same. Then I had to tap Cancel. It started to Unlinking:


Why did it try to unlink if the link was not successful at the first place? And of course it failed:


The End.

∞ A Game Usability Review of Triple town

Published under Mango Paper, Jan 28, 2015

Triple town is a mobile puzzle game by Spryfox that has kept me addicted for quite a while, despite the free to play time limiting features. In this article, I will introduce the game’s strength, then walk you through some of the usability issues that would be worth fixing to make the experience even more enjoyable.

A great review.

∞ Hamburger Menus Are Terrible

Published under Mango Paper, Jan 27, 2015

What happened when a hamburger menu is removed:

Customers used the app more frequently: the number of sessions more than doubled!

They spent more time in the app: session time increased 70%

We ultimately saw more customers return, with a 65% increase in daily active users nearly overnight.

Honestly, I didn’t see the hamburger menu was harmful as I use it constantly when it is there. After reading redbooth’s post and playing a few apps on my phone, I slowly see why it is a really terrible design.

∞ Monument Valley in Numbers

Published under Mango Paper, Jan 17, 2015

Two take aways:

  • It costs a LOT of money to make the game: 1.4 MILLION DOLLARS!
  • Revenue from China is significant (1/3 of U.S., and it will grow much faster than the U.S. market in future.)

∞ Overcast's Number of Active Users

Published under Mango Paper, Dec 12, 2014

In the footnote:

For those wanting percentages, Overcast currently has about 100,000 monthly active users and 37,000 daily active users, according to Crashlytics Answers.

The ratio of daily / monthly active users here is very interestingly high.

∞ A 21st-century Kid Plays Through Video Game History in Chronological Order

Published under Mango Paper, Dec 12, 2014

What happens when a 21st-century kid plays through video game history in chronological order?

This is extremely useful to understand the generations of gaming. A must read.

∞ Cube Cube Is Now One Year Old

Published under Cube Cube, Dec 10, 2014

Wow, Cube Cube is now one year old! Thank you, all the 22K players & 343K sessions played!

How to Make a Hit App

Published under Mango Paper, Dec 5, 2014

Be the first is not how you make a hit app:

Even the first iPhone was a piece of crap…

∞ Monument Valley Expansion

Published under Mango Paper, Dec 4, 2014

At this time, the team was completely exhausted. For the past few weeks, we’d been working weekends and late into the night to get the expansion up to the standard of the original game. Every spare moment we had we were fixing bugs, polishing visuals, and streamlining the experience.

Hard work by the team. Go buy the expansion!


Published under Mango Canvas, Oct 25, 2014



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