Hiking Muir Woods National Monument

Published under Hiking, Aug 24, 2016


Redwoods; variety of vegetation along the trail.


Time: 2016.07.30, 3.1 hours

Distance: 7.5 km (4.7 miles)


Hiking map

See this Google Map for more details.


See this Google Photos Album.

∞ May Seymour Papert Rest in Peace

Published under Mango Paper, Aug 3, 2016

Seymour Papert, whose ideas and inventions transformed how millions of children around the world create and learn, died Sunday, July 31, 2016 at his home in East Blue Hill, Maine. He was 88.

In the late 1960s, at a time when computers still cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, Papert came up with the idea for Logo, the first programming language for children.

Logo was my first programming language I ever used. Although I didn't know what I was doing back then, it had certainly influenced me as a person. May Seymour Papert rest in peace.

∞ Cube Cube 1.5 for iOS is now available on App Store

Published under Cube Cube, Jun 25, 2016

Cube Cube 1.5 for iOS is now available on App Store! This version:

  • Used new sound effects to help you remember each cube's color.
  • Improved UI layout for different screen ratios.

Grab it NOW!


Reimagining Google Fonts

Published under Mango Paper, Jun 16, 2016

The new Google Fonts is beautiful.

7 Steps to Becoming Better at Making Games

Published under Mango Paper, Jun 15, 2016

  1. Make a game.
  2. Make another game.
  3. Make yet another game.
  4. Make more games.
  5. Make games when you don't feel like it.
  6. Make games when you do feel like it.
  7. Keep making games.

Hiking Redwood Regional Park

Published under Hiking, May 10, 2016


Great redwoods, varieties of trails.


Time: 2016.04.30, 3.8 hours

Distance: 10.0km (6.2 miles)


Hiking map

See this Google Map for more details.


See this Google Photos Album.

∞ The Must-See Documentaries for Designers & Artists

Published under Mango Paper, May 5, 2016

Shut up and take my time.

∞ I fly 747s for a living. Here are the amazing things I see every day.

Published under Mango Paper, May 4, 2016

I decided to write Skyfaring, a book about flying, in order to set down for myself some of the remarkable details of the job I'd dreamed of since childhood. I guess I hoped, too, that these details would be of interest to readers who travel so often that flight has become an uninteresting experience for them. Here are six of the more amazing things I've learned, or relearned, in the 15 years that I've been flying.


∞ Bots won't replace apps. Better apps will replace apps.

Published under Mango Paper, Apr 24, 2016

Another great piece by Dan Grover:

As I’ll explain, messenger apps’ apparent success in fulfilling such a surprising array of tasks does not owe to the triumph of “conversational UI.” What they’ve achieved can be much more instructively framed as an adept exploitation of Silicon Valley phone OS makers’ growing failure to fully serve users’ needs, particularly in other parts of the world. Chat apps have responded by evolving into “meta-platforms.” Many of the platform-like aspects they’ve taken on to plaster over gaps in the OS actually have little to do with the core chat functionality. Not only is “conversational UI” a red herring, but as we look more closely, we’ll even see places where conversational UI has breached its limits and broken down.

The reason why bots is a thing now is, the companies, who don't own a platform, want it to be. And they missed the point.

∞ Writing Great App Store Release Notes

Published under Mango Paper, Apr 18, 2016


Not as many people read these since Apple made automatic updates a thing, but some people still do, is my answer. The thing is, it doesn’t matter whether four, 40 or 40,000 people read your release notes. The people that do are the people that judge you on your attention to detail, after all, they’re interested in the fine details of your point update.

I'm one of the people who read release notes. I do not have automatic update on. Instead, I will take a look at every app's release notes before manually tap the Update All button.

However, I do not quite agree with @helloimfreddie about the good and average release notes.

I was a fan of the Medium's style. They are fun and delightful to read. Then after many experiences of reading the release notes from the Updates tab, just like reading my twitter's timeline, I actually only remembered the apps that actually listed what the update is about with simple and precise bullet points. This style also saves me a lot of time, so I'm also more likely to read them carefully next time.

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