∞ Apps of a Feather
Twitter is shutting down their streaming API, without replacements for third parties to implement Push notifications. Shame.
These days, the only thing makes Twitter usable for me is Tweetbot.
Super inspiring! Can't wait to see this journey.
Not sure because it's Easter Sunday, or I am kicked out from the internet. The only big launch I heard today is, and that's great.
∞ Utah Governor Signs Law Legalizing 'Free-Range Parenting'
It is still sad that we need a la for this. But this is a good step forward.
∞ DirectX Raytracing
Excited! But when could we have the same thing on mobile?
∞ Overcast 4.1 now available
A delightful update for Overcast. My favorite new feature is Delete episodes 24 hours after completion.
Before I have Delete when completed on, since manual deletion is too tedious. But sometime after finishing a podcast, I like to review the show notes. If it has been deleted already, you have to navigate to individual show's all episodes view to see it. Now it's right in the playlist.
Thank you again, Marco.
Thank you for inspiring us, Stephen Hawking. Rest in peace.
∞ Volkswagen will kill the Beetle
Suddenly I feel I need to take good care of my car now.
VR Planet Defense 1.2 Released
VR Planet Defense 1.2 is now available on both App Store and Play Store. Release notes:
- Added new enemies.
- Added a new splash screen.
- Balanced game difficulty.
- Improved visual style.
As always, we would like to thank you all for playing my second game! If you are feeling generous with your time, please take a moment and leave a review on the App Store or Play Store. Your feedback is an invaluable treasure.
Just published the new 30 seconds preview video for the upcoming VR Planet Defense v1.2 release!
You can download the game on App Store or Play Store now.